She took about ten minutes out of her schedule on Sunday to look at my code and quickly gave me a working script! The camera even follows behind with some flexibility, it doesn't RIGIDLY stay behind the sub which gives it more the illusion of free motion as the vehicle moves. I really like how it looks, especially with the first submarine being roughly shaped like a manta ray.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
(OOC) A submarine that works!
Thanks to a wonderful fellow Caledonian (thank you again, Kandace Commons!), I now have a working submarine! Turns out, I cannot use a modified air flight script, even with hover ability, as it negates some of the flags like HOVER_HEIGHT_GLOBAL, which means I cannot cap altitude at the water level (with llWater() ) just ignored it completely.
She took about ten minutes out of her schedule on Sunday to look at my code and quickly gave me a working script! The camera even follows behind with some flexibility, it doesn't RIGIDLY stay behind the sub which gives it more the illusion of free motion as the vehicle moves. I really like how it looks, especially with the first submarine being roughly shaped like a manta ray.
She took about ten minutes out of her schedule on Sunday to look at my code and quickly gave me a working script! The camera even follows behind with some flexibility, it doesn't RIGIDLY stay behind the sub which gives it more the illusion of free motion as the vehicle moves. I really like how it looks, especially with the first submarine being roughly shaped like a manta ray.
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